What To Do With Fear

What To Do With Fear

Even though we seem to be riding the wave down and out of worldwide turmoil, there is always another wave coming right behind it. So many times, life feels like we are moving from one kind of trauma to another. The enemy would certainly like for us to think that way, but it is important to identify fear as a tactic of the enemy keeping us from fulfilling God’s purpose in our life. The Word of God leaves no room for fear to gain an open door in our minds.  

fear, no fear, peace, self-help, scripture, bible, christianity, devotional

In His Word, the fear of God is a weapon for combating the unhealthy, negative fear of the enemy. Having a healthy, positive fear of God diffuses the enemy’s ability to plant thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, depression and even torment. Daily you can take fearful thoughts captive and believe what He says—looking at life through the lens of His Word. You don’t need to be tossed about by every wind and wave, always looking in fear for what is coming next. You can live solid, sure and free from fear by looking to the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ. He has defeated fear once for all.

Standing on the Rock,

Karen Conrad


Success and Failure are Partners

Success and Failure are Partners

During thirty-plus years of business, leadership, and consulting, along with a lifetime of relationships, setbacks and victories, I have learned a few things about success and failure. A key trait of success is the ability to formulate a plan and walk out the activities necessary to see it happen. I have come to realize there are valuable by-products of failure such as determination, resilience and creativity.

Purpose, Success, Failure, Experience, Determination, Resilience, Creativity, Achievement, Persistence

In my experience, every opportunity for success also holds the risk of failure. My idea of success and the things God puts on my heart will be different from what God puts on your heart, and that’s the way it should be. The Word of God tells us what success looks like to Him, and you can extend that into your purpose for business, family, marriage, and personal development.

Success is persistence to accomplish a desired outcome no matter how long it takes. And failure is only final when you quit before the desired outcome is reached. ‘For the lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise over and over again. But the unrighteous are brought down by just one calamity and will never be able to rise again.’ Proverbs 24:16 TPT.

When you seek the Lord to discover your purpose, your failures become stepping stones to achieve a life of success.

Living My Purpose,

Karen Conrad

PS. Check out The Promise of Purpose Series on our YouTube Channel.